Friday 28 June 2013

Margert Thatcher Funeral (BBC One)

Coverage of Action
The Funeral of Margaret Thatcher was a live event however all recording of the action was happening at the same time.
From the clip I have watched there are around 11 camera used however the same camera could of been used for 2 or more shots. There are a various number of shots used including Long Shots of the Coffin on the horse drawn carriage, Medium Shots, Close Ups and Wide Shots of the Public.
The most common shot used was the Long Shot because the Procession was moving it's easy to catch all the act from a Long Shot.

Communicating Meaning to the Viewer
The cameras were all positioned in a particular place and all were given specific points of the funeral to capture.
With the event being Live at the time of recording there is no specific structure for this event however the structure of the event is to create emotion and to give the viewer as much of the action as possible.

Visual Style
Throughout the event on the Channel BBC One the logo for the channel was always in the top left hand corner.

Not only does it remind you what channel you are watching, it's also brand identity. As BBC One was the main channel for broadcasting the funeral, the logo stops anybody from claiming that the footage is their own.

The clip that I watched was uploaded by The Guardian and throughout the clip a number of blue boxes popped up. These blue boxes contained a brief summary about what was happening in the clip.
This was a good idea to do as it keeps the viewer up to date on the whereabouts of the funeral procession and it also tells any viewer that has just tuned in what part of the funeral they are up to.

When changing between some of shots, the transition between them sometimes very jumpy and blunt and other times they flowed into each other giving the viewer sometime to refocus on the screen.

Maintaining Viewer Interest
To maintain the viewer's interest in a live event is harder than an event that is prerecorded.
In a live event the best way to maintain viewer interest is by changing the shots as many time as possible. By doing this it ables to viewer to regain focus and review what they have just seen.

Constraints of Location
Due to the Margaret Thatcher Funeral being filmed outside you would presume that there wouldn't be any constraints of the location, although this is wrong.
With the location being the length of London it would very hard to have a camera on every single point of the journey.
The majority of the camera were on jib arms which meant that there was more room for people to stand and it also meant that the camera was able to reach unreachable locations on foot.
The main risk to the camera people would be the Public because there would be of some many of them trying to get to front and getting in the way of the camera achieving the shots they wish to get.

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